What is Human 1.0 and why are we so special

Jonathan lays out "Land Vision" with OhioBrett

2025 - The time of Fulfillment of preparation and prophetic words

Bitter Waters Made Sweet

So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea; then they went out into the Wilderness of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. 

Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah. And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” 

So he cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet.

There He made a statute and an ordinance for them, and there He tested them, and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”

Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees; so they camped there by the waters.

​​That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.

Jehovah Raphah - He is our Healer


Salatin Farm Dream 

God owns the earth and He heal the land and Jehovah Raphah  

will show us how to manage it according to His Word

"Tree of Life" Farms is born

Financially Support the Tree of Life Farm Vision

An example of a regenerative dairy farm

If God is the Beginning then we have to go back to the beginning 

to find our position and our Shalom


Connecting Gen Z to the fundamentals of "dirt"  puts them

 back on the dirt and will help find truth

The Heavenly vision for Jonathan to get back on the land

Restoring the human must start with Genesis 1 & 2

More on the vision of our Resting Place

"A Sanctuary of the Living God!"

Since the creation of man on the 6th day (yom) of Creation, humans have been vitally connected to the Garden and the earth whether we are aware of this reality or not. 

Our bodies literally need to walk on the dirt to be grounded. 

Our plan is to purchase a piece of His beautiful land in our area so we can build out over time a working farm with beef cattle, dairy cows, some sheep and goats for their wool and milk, gardens, as well as develop a vineyard, all of this so we can recreate in our synthetic world real human activity on the dirt.

Our children need this land and the work required by tending to the earth and it's creatures so they can heal from all the toxicity we have in our air, water, and food, so we can reconnect their entire being with the dust.  

I believe with all my heart and my soul that getting young people on a working farm and doing the work of a farmer will help them  heal the mind and their soul so that when the hear the full Gospel message they will be restored fully to a redeemed human.

Through the annuls of time families and their fathers (the whole earth is a collection of families) would train their children how to work that Adam did after he left the perfect Garden of Eden. Things like: 

Digging a well, growing food, hunting for game, fishing, raising chickens for eggs and meat, milking cows for all the things we do with our milk, and the fun and enjoyable exercise of harvesting grapes and various grains to make wine and beer.

We must go back to the beginning of the human to understand how how to heal from the evil ciboria engineering of our enemies to destroy OUR children

Some of the activities we would endeavor to do on the farm:

1. Tilling the ground and planting seeds

2. Feeding calves and cows - starting a 4H club

3. Milking cows and making butter and cheese

4. Tending a garden

5. Shearing sheep - making things out of wool

6. Riding horses

7. Building cabins with solar and local water - energy independent

8. Making trails and camping areas in wooded areas

9. Harvesting grapes & potentially olives

10. Gathering eggs


The Gospel of Jesus Christ starts at Creation. Until we understand that basic idea we 

will not have enduring benefits from those humans who make a profession of faith. 

Sitting in a pew can not teach us how to be a healthy human soul. 

Jesus will set His Throne on the earth in the near future. What kind of activities do 

you imagine going on in the earth during the millennial reign of Our King?


Some snap shots of what we want to launch for next generation 

to provide a place where young people can be reconnected 

to the beauty of our earth.

Sheep among the vines

A beautiful Holstein Dairy Cow grazing

Harmony of farm animals enjoying His Creation

Grass feed beef cattle is critical to long term health

In the beginning God... essential for the rising generation


The fire of Pentecost was never intended to end before the return of Our Lord from heaven. That fire brings humans back to the beginning not to the front of church and then have them become stationary humans feeding an institution.

The winds of the first Pentecost in Jerusalem are still blowing, Everything that was given from Heaven to the original disciples of Yahshua there in Jerusalem 8 days after He lifted up to His Throne in Heaven are still available to us today.


The winds of Pentecost will blow until the end of this age.

Our Confession of Faith 


My struggle to Obey God

Fire Baptism of Jesus (Yahshua) - don't leave home without it

I have witnessed over most of my adult life such an antagonism, fear, and confusion on what it
means to be “baptized” in the Holy Spirit. What we today are going to refer to as the "fire"
baptism of Jesus Christ. Signifying the life changing reality of what it means to be immersed
in the fire of the Spirit's power

Jonathan's encounter with the Living God on 11-22-05

Why emphasize so strongly "restoring the man" ?

Why emphasis "back to the Garden of Eden" experience?

This is due to the current pressure for the last 70 years to make men weak, spineless, and sterile 

Some visioneering with friends

The Kingdom message brings us all together!

We look forward to what the Lord will do

Our family of ten people has been led by the Lord of the Heaven & Earth to "go" and serve the Lord by dwelling in the town of Pilot Mountain, NC.

We have obeyed the Lord's original call in May 2005 to dwell in the land (Pilot Mountain and Surry County) and we have fed on His faithfulness.


Our plan with our retreats is to take full advantage of our beautiful state parks that are within 30 minutes of our location for the land and farm.

Quick Tour of Pilot Mountain State Park

Hanging Rock State Park - a quick tour

We must celebrate the "human" at this time in human history

Walking in Shalom

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?

Who is this who darkens counsel?

Prayer Walk - Oct 13, 2024